Wednesday 6 March 2013

Birthday Theme

With the realisation that it is my daughter's birthday in less than a month I have been spending the past couple of days as "google queen" in my spare time.
The idea of a theme is mind boggling. So much to choose from. I'll blame her Aunt and Uncle for giving her a Minnie Mouse doll when our little man was born. It has been a favourite ever since! With that and the new found enthusiasm for watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse it all just seems to click together for the Birthday theme. Minnie Mouse. Now if only we lived in America!
There is so so much on google and now to decide what to do and what is OTT for a second birthday...
I have whipped up a quick invite and it is ready to go. Who do you invite to a second birthday? She has a couple of friends but not too many. If I start inviting cousins I guess I have to invite them all?? Now it is just getting huge. My husband is from what I term as a huge family - 11 siblings. Our kids are the 21st and 22nd grandchildren on that side while only the 3rd and 6th on my side. I'd love a hucg party but I'm just not sure we have the room for it.
I think it's time to get pinning on Pinterest to get my theme worked out!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Busy times

Well I actually think busy times are all the time. With a Birthday party on Friday and again on Saturday Sunday was a nice recovery day for the pregnant lady. I ended up sewing a dress for my baby girl on Monday in between her naps and yesterday husband was home. We are building a deck and he was finishing off the piers, getting them signed off by the certifier and engineer. Phew, it was all good. It turned out the be a lovely hot sunny day (haven't been many this Summer and it's all over after today) so he ordered concrete and a pump and now there aren't any more holes! Yay! It actually feels like we are getting somewhere now that we are out of the ground.
I will have to get some photos up of the dress that I made. Although I am going to try an applique owl on it so it may never be finished!!

Thursday 23 February 2012

Suddenly no clothes fit anymore

How does it just suddenly happen that no clothes fit anymore? One day I am fine. The next my tummy is sticking out my pants are too small and my tops are suddenly a really really tight fit!The worst of it is I lent all my maternity clothes to my S-I-L and am yet to receive them back.
We have another first birthday party to go to today and I guess I am not going to be looking my best. Well supposedly I am suppose to be glowing anyway so it really shouldn't matter what I wear. (If only that was true!).
My first pregnancy I think I was glowing. I was so excited. Everything happening for the first time. My hair did stop falling out, got thicker, glossier and I am sure it was before 15 weeks?? Well not 100% sure, but it would be nice if it started soon. I think it is still making up for the last pregnancy and falling out at a high rate of knots. It is still everywhere, including wrapped around my daughters hands, sticking out her mouth and even sometimes the other end too (to much information?).
Well I better get her food ready so we can leave when she wakes up.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Amazing moments

I saw the obs. yesterday and he did an ultrasound just on his old machine int he office and I got to see V2's little heart beating a hundred miles an hour. It is just so amazing. It brought such a smile to my faceAfter that I met up with my S-I-L at the shops for some retail therapy. It didn't work for me. I got a headache, which is still yet to disappear! By the time I got home my little miss had slept for 40 mins in the car and that was it. No afternoon nap for mum :( We ended up going for a walk and play on the swings.
Today I have been car less as my husbands is in for repairs. It has been a quiet day at home. I have been playing with my daughter and doing some family history in my spare time. My files are in a huge mess with things I just randomly have saved on my computer over the years and printed out and not filed. It's a slow process but I feel like I am getting somewhere now. Meanwhile my head is throbbing. I don't really want to take panadol either. I succumbed earlier and had one. No effect though.
Hopefully it will go soon.
Onwards and upwards!

Monday 20 February 2012

Really I last wrote in August?

I guess I lack a little in keeping up this blog. I do commend all mothers that find time everyday to write and keep up their blogs!
Since my last post I am pregnant again. It is such a blessing. It has been hard though. Another mother in my mothers group was also pregnant and I think we were due the same day. Unfortunately, they lost their baby. I am good friends with her and struggle a little with my joy, knowing of her heartbreak!
I am due in August and I am now in my fifteenth week. I am starting to get quite excited. The baby will go into the nursery and my little angel will move rooms.
Yay, that means I pretty much have a blank canvas to work with. I am keeping an ideas board with 'Pintrest'.
I am going to go with a garden theme. Blue walls, a mdf or similar tree that will also be used to hand bags etc as she grows. I have bought a birds cage and made some birds to go in it.
There is so much to do. I figure I have at least 5 months to sort it out. I bet the time will fly by though.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Time keeps flying

I can't believe little Miss is already 4 months old! On Tuesday we have more immunisations booked in. Yuck! It is the last thing I want to do. I hate getting needles myself let alone watching someone else get them and it will be harder still watching my daughter.
It must be a year and a half ago now (maybe even two) since I decided to read a few books. One of my friends had forwarded some message on facebook with the BBC Big Read so I decided to read them all. I have just picked books off the list randomly. Re-reading them if I had read them in the past. I need to count how many I am up to. I finally finished one a couple of weeks ago (my first since having little Miss) I was quite impressed with the achievement. I have read more than thirty now. For some reason I decided to go back to the top of the list. I was so disappointed that Lord of the Rings is part of a Trilogy (why isn't it 3 books on the list? when there are some of the Harry Potter books but not all and they are listed separately?). Anyway, I finally finished the lot of them and had already read Pride and Prejudice so next to read was His Dark Materials, which I had never heard of before and low and behold if it isn' another trilogy! It certainly isn't an easy way to get through the list, instead of reading only two books I have to read six to cross two off. I am so not impressed, however, I will feel great once I have got through them.
I actually really enjoyed Lord of the Rings and I am not really into Si-Fi. I am quite interested in seeing the movies now too, although Tolkien is so descriptive in the novels that I think the movie might be a let down... It is funny how many of these books are movies. I guess that will be my next challenge. I wonder how old little Miss will be when I finally finish all the books?
Well that is enough for tonight of my random, disjointed post.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Babies, babies everywhere

Over the past two weeks we have welcomed two more beautiful girls into the world. One of my best friends daughters and my brothers first child. I am so excited that my Little Miss already has two great friends (lets just hope they get on together).
I have also stepped up to the mark a little at home in regards to cooking dinner or at least sorting out what we are having and being a little more organised. Who would have thought this would be a hard task? The whole coming up with an idea for the meal in the morning is what I struggle with. I finish breakfast and then already start thinking about dinner...
I try and get out for a walk each day with Little Miss in the pram. At the moment though they are talking about more bad wet weather. I am going to have to resort going to the shops again so I can at least walk around and not feel house bound.
My brother called me earlier and let me know my niece is at home now. He sounds so excited. I remember just how I was feeling three months ago. I can't believe how quickly time flies!
When I first watched the movie Julie & Julia I was so inspired both to cook and to blog. I never realised what an enormous task she undertook (I know it isn't reality). I think I will just keep blogging when I find time and cook something new each week. My mother in law gave me a copy of Mrs Beetson's Cookery and Household Management (no there was no message in it, I thought her copy was interesting and she ended up getting me a copy on eBay. It made me feel really special) anyway I keep thinking I could find a meal from their each week to try. We'll see if it happens.
Time for another feed. Until next time..